Moving can be a stressful time, however here a few tips and tricks to help make your experience a little bit more enjoyable. Below you’ll find some effective solutions for packing your boxes.
Leave Unnecessary Items Behind
When you are going through your house and emptying your cupboards and drawers, you’re sure to come across a few items you haven't used in years. Rather than bring these items with you, you can recycle, throw them away, donate them to a thrift store or have a garage sale.
It is highly recommended that you use high quality boxes for your move. You can find them in home improvement stores, office supply stores, moving companies, post offices, etc. You’ll also need to make sure you have a couple other items when you are packing including: bubble wrap, tape, foam sheets, permanent markers and a tape gun (this will come in handy).
Pack In a Logical Order
You should start your packing process with less useful items. These items might be seasonal clothing, decorative items, books and tools you don’t use that often. Be sure that you are evenly distributing the weight in the boxes and making sure you are filling them up to the top. This will stop the boxes from collapsing when they are stacked on each other. This is when your permanent marker will come in handy, be sure to label each box, this will make it easier on you when you move to find items.
When it comes to items that you need immediately (phone chargers, cleaning supplies, cutlery, etc). You should transport these items in the car with you, so you can find the items immediately and are not searching for them upon your arrival at your new home.
One last tip for the boxes: Number each box and in a journal, make notes on what is in each box. This will help you locate individual items faster, especially if you are in need of finding very specific things once you arrive to your new home.
A Few More Helpful Tips
Protect your furniture! Make sure to cover your furniture in wraps, covers and other padded protectors. It is a good idea to use rope and tape to help keep the drawers on your cabinets closed during the moving phase.
If a piece of furniture needs to be disassembled, take out all the screws and nails and place them in a baggy. Then place the baggy into the piece of the furniture, so that you don’t lose the baggy.
If a piece of furniture needs to be disassembled, take out all the screws and nails and place them in a baggy. Then place the baggy into the piece of the furniture, so that you don’t lose the baggy.
When you are packing your shoes, it is best to put in some balled-up socks to make sure they are not deforemed during the move.